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Hi there! I'm Stuti Anand, the founder of VRSA. VRSA is dedicated to bringing the beauty and heritage of South Asian design and aesthetics to the world. Growing up as a first-generation Indian-American, I've always held my Indian heritage close to my heart, yet finding spaces that truly represented my unique blend of cultures was a challenge. ⁣

My husband Adi, whom I met in 2018, was from the UAE and we instantly connected over our ‘third culture’ backgrounds. A few years later, as we spent time in India for our wedding in Rajasthan, we found ourselves mesmerized by the beauty of the country’s culture. The architecture, sculptures, fabrics, colors, and music, were all a part of our cultural heritage that we had missed in our lives and our homes. ⁣

Inspired by the beautiful interiors we saw in India, we wanted our home to reflect our heritage in a modern way. Naturally, our search for those unique, heritage pieces in the States didn’t take us very far.⁣

This led us to discover a myriad of incredible designers based in India. A light bulb went off, and I knew I had to bring access to this representation back home to America. ⁣

VRSA was born with the goal of helping the diaspora create spaces that reflect cultural identity and celebrate unique backgrounds, helping you to feel at home no matter where you are.

Our design partners offer a wide array of categories and styles, providing our customers with a range of options to beautify their personal spaces. Through our thoughtfully curated selection, we aim to help our customers create spaces that reflect their cultural identity and celebrate their unique backgrounds. 

Ultimately, our goal is to be a trusted and beloved source of inspiration and connection for the South Asian community, helping them to feel at home no matter where they are.

Why the name VRSA? VRSA was inspired by the Sanskrit word 'Virasat', translating to 'heritage' or 'heirloom.' 
